Friday, May 23

Digging in the sand.

Yesterday we had youth group at our house. My dad is the youth pastor. Anyway they came over and we watched a movie. After the movie we went back to Boca to drop them off. But while we were there my dad, my friend Abimael and I wanted to check the beach to see how the waves were. On the way back we came across some big posts stuck in the sand. My dad offered to pay us five dollars if we could pull them out and put them on top of the van . So we got a shovel and got to work. Well, as some of you may know dry sand is sometimes hard to dig in because the wind blows it back in the hole especially when the wind is so strong that it almost blows you over. Well, in the end we got the posts out, we got home and are now planning to put up a shade on the front of the house. I'll take pictures when we're done building it.

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